Sunday, 22 September 2013


These are many of my meals I've had in the past. As you can see I try and eat healthy as much as I possibly can. I don't eat meat and truthfully it disgusts me as does dairy. I have dairy on occasion but thats very rare. Proper nutrition and diet is the key to feeling happy and healthy.

My Favourite Song to Workout to

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Reading survey

I really enjoy reading in my spare time. Not only do I read books, but I also like to read magazines and blogs. Laying on the beach soaking up the sun is one of my favourite past times in the summer. Reading magazines are so easy, there’s no need to have your full attention on the book. You’re able to flip through the magazine and talk to your friends at the same time. Late at night I usually find myself bored and surfing the Internet.  Sometimes I come across blogs that are extremely interesting and I could read them for hours on end. My favourite blogs are about healthy eating, working out, or vegan/ vegetarian lifestyles. I’ve never really thought of reading a book or reading a blog as the same thing. Maybe I’m interested more in blogs. Either way once you find a good book or blog reading doesn’t seem too bad.

I take forever to decide on things, whether it’s picking out what I want to wear or even a book I want to read. I usually like to read books that my friends suggest. But when I’m by myself its quite a long process. What pulls me towards a book at first is the cover. If a book is sparkly and bright pink, who wouldn’t want to go check it out. I then read the summary on the back of the book to see if it interests me. Then I go ahead and read about a chapter in the store (if I have time) too see if I like it. I also read what’s popular at that time. Example: When the Twilight or Hunger Games series came out and I heard all the excitement about them I decided to read them too see what all the hype was about.

My most favourite books are a tie up between personal diaries and World War Two books focusing on the Holocaust and peoples personal experiences. I’m really interested in the Holocaust and I love reading about it. I love reading non-fiction books knowing that this was someone’s life as if you were almost going through all the experiences and struggles with them. I find myself getting really into books like these. I’m currently in the middle of reading a book called Go Ask Alice. Alice is a young woman who gets tied up into drugs and she finds herself on the streets. This book is someone’s own diary and none of it is made up. I absolutely love it and I’m excited to read the rest of the series!