Thursday, 21 November 2013


We went downstairs into the halls and found a group of friends (2 guys and a girl) talking outside a locker. We were there for around 5 minutes listening to there conversation. It was mostly one of the guys and the girl talking to each other.  It was hard because people talk really fast, I also think they kind of knew that we were listening to them. I don't think people speak in full sentences and they cut each other off. The girl talked really quietly and I think it was because the girl was with 2 guys. People also jump all over in the conversation. You can kind of make it broken and have people cutting other people off. As well as having topics change quickly. I think that personality comes through in dialogue through the word  choice a person uses and there tone of voice shows how they are. I also think depending who controls the conversations shows if they are more controlling or not. When to or more people participate in a conversation I think that two people talk more then the rest of the people involved so it is controlled by the more dominant people in the group. I think that people converse differently with there girls friends then they do with their boyfriends and some peoples conversations have absolutely no meaning and are just to hear the sound of their own voice talking. Think in spoken conversation it is a lot easier to get the tone of voice a person has and you can learn a lot more about there personality and how they act around people. I think in written you don't get that one and it is a little harder to understand the tone.

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